I love a good facial + skin treatment in the studio but, I need to let you in on a secret.

They’re not worth the investment if you’re not following a consistent routine at home. Yes, facials, peels, diamond dermabrasions, enzyme treatments…..they all have short term benefits if you don’t have an established home care routine.

At Parlour 7, our goal is to help you find a good fit for your goals and needs. Everyone wants a quick fix these days, but my motto is that good things take time — and I prefer to take the progressive route, rather than the aggressive one.

Let me help you prioritize your home care routine – we can do this via the new client facial, or even a one-on-one consultation. If you are too far away to come see me in person, we can also do this virtually!

Estheticians have access to the highest quality professional products. Access to these professional + medical grade products = quality ingredients (no fillers or fluff) + faster results.

There is a huge difference in the quality and source of ingredients, delivery of ingredients and the concentration levels of performance ingredients in the skincare products that I utilize at my studio vs over the counter products.

Seek the guidance of a licensed professional who has the appropriate education to correctly recommend products for you and your needs + goals. If this sounds like something that interests you, shoot me a message or an email!